Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer worldwide shipping! However, due to legal restrictions and carrier limitations, there are certain countries to which we cannot ship. You can always review the up-to-date list on the USPS homepage.

Also, please be aware that you may be required to pay additional duty/customs fees depending on your location. We recommend checking with your local customs office if you have any questions. Please note that we are not responsible for any customs fees.

What currency will I be charged in?

All charges on Fuchsia Bixie are currently processed in SAR (Saudi Riyal). If you are an international customer, the conversion will occur when your local bank processes the currency.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is ready to go, we hand it over to the carrier and send you a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can click on this number to view the latest shipment location updates on our tracking page.

I need to change the shipping address on my order! How can I do it?

You can change your shipping address if your item has not already shipped. To change your shipping address, please email support@fuchsiabixie.com and include:

  • CHANGE SHIPPING ADDRESS in the subject line.
  • Your order number.
  • Name on the order.
  • Email the order was made with.
  • Your new shipping address.

Our team will be happy to assist you!

Can I cancel or change my order?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept cancellations as we start processing your order immediately after it is placed. This also means we cannot make any changes once it’s already being processed at the warehouse. You will need to place another order or return any unwanted items.


For any questions, reach out to us at support@fuchsiabixie.com, we're here to help!